Insiyah, Maria Dewi Christiyawati, Tri Sunaryo
Kementerian Kesehatan Politeknik Kesehatan Surakarta
Jurusan Keperawatan
Abstract: RPP, Achieving Competence, Nursing Care of the Soul. This study is a Class Action Research (Classroom Action Rersearch), a study conducted by a teacher / lecturer in the class itself through self-reflection, in order to improve their performance, so as to increase student learning outcomes. The results showed that the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) Mental Nursing faculty provide guidance in implementing the learning process. Researchers found that it takes several fixtures in fulfilling the good planning among others prepare tool corresponding evaluation, makes lattice-lattice, as well as the prepare a teaching materials a better as a guideline of learning. Small group discussion method of learning is one method that can enhance the ability of students achieving basic competency describes the concept of mental nursing and enhance the activity of nursing students in the learning of the Soul. Role play teaching method is one method that can enhance the ability of students achieving basic competency in carrying out assessment of mental patients and increase the activity of nursing students in the learning of the Soul.
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