Prihantini, Dwi Susi Hariyati, Nur Setiawati Dewi
Kementerian Kesehatan Politeknik Kesehatan Surakarta
Jurusan Keperawatan
Abstract: Model Diabetic Educator, Behavioral Health. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Model Diabetic Educator in improving the behavior of people with DM in the Regional Health Center Sukoharjo. This research is to design Exsperiment Quasi One group pretest-Posttes Group Design. Location of research conducted at the health center Sokoharjo, Sukoharjo regency. Subjects of 25 people that are not controlled DM patients. Results showed that health education is conducted by the Diabetic Educator can increase positive behavior in people with diabetes mellitus, and Diabetic Educator Model can change the behavior of patients with DM.
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