
Minggu, 25 November 2012

Faktor Dominan Dalam Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Perilaku Caring

Ros Endah Happy P, Endang Caturini S, dan Dwi Sulistyowati
Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Jurusan Keperawatan

Abstract: Models of Learning, Caring Behavior. This study aims to gain insight about the phenomenon of in-depth experience of the dominant factors in the behavior-based learning models in caring V semester students majoring in nursing polytechnic Surakarta. This study uses qualitative research methods is a research procedure that aims to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by study subjects. The results showed that the response of the dominant factors in student learning model of behavior-based learning for caring mengekplorasikan that is acquired and can affect the coloring, especially on the personal lives of students. Efforts made in the dominant factors related to student-based learning model of caring and student behavior mengekplorasikan that the lessons learned so far, and color can affect the personal lives of students provide nursing care to patients using an adaptive mechanism. The meaning of the student experience of the dominant factors in the model-based embelajaran caring behavior, students mengekplorasikan that lessons learned so far obtained can influence and coloring, especially on a student's personal life also affect patterns of thinking and behaving in providing nursing care to patients.

1 komentar:

The Geeks mengatakan...

saya mahasiswa dari Universitas Islam Indonesia
Nice share :)

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