
Minggu, 25 November 2012

Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique Dan Nyeri Pasien Pasca Operasi Fraktur Femur

M. Mudatsyir, Heru Purbo K, Tavaria Sundari 
Kementerian Kesehatan Politeknik Kesehatan Surakarta Jurusan Fisioterapi

Abstraction: Spiritual, Emotional, Pain In Bone, Fraktur, Femur. Target of this research is to know is which better which among postponeing passive and added by passive ulur of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Techniques in lessening pain in bone at patient of pasca operate for femur fraktur. this Research type is eksperimental use device of two test-post pre group test design as a mean to know difference of influence of Emotional Freedom Technique at patient of pasca operate for femur fraktur. Population in this research divided in two group that is group of I a number of 20 group and responder of II a number of 20 responder that is at all of patients of pasca operate for femur fraktur experiencing operation in RSUI Kustati in August and September year 2010. Statistical test which used by at this research is Wilcoxon test. Result of research indicate that giving of passive ulur can lessen pain in bone at patient of pasca operate for femur fraktur, giving of passive + SEFT can lessen pain in bone at patient of pasca operate for femur fraktur, giving of passive ulur + Better SEFT from at giving of just passive ulur to reduction of pain in bone at patient of pasca operate for femur fraktur.

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