Endang Suwanti, Sri Wahyuni
Kementerian Kesehatan
Politeknik Kesehatan Surakarta Jurusan Kebidanan
Abstract: Characteristics, Knowledge, IHC. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between age and mother's education with knowledge about the IHC. This research is descriptive analytic cross sectional approach. The population was mothers who have a baby or toddler in the region of IHC Ds Manjung, KEC Ngawen, Klaten district consisting of five IHC by the number of 164 mothers with a total sample of 50 respondents. Accidental sampling technique sampling criteria mothers who have infants or toddlers> 5 Months and Infant / Toddlers who have a KMS. Statistical tests in this study using the chi-square test. Kaitanya results showed no significant association between age and education with knowledge about the value of ρ posyandu 0.000.
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