Surini Pudjiastuti, Nur Rachmat, Cica Tri Mandasari Ningsih
Kementerian Kesehatan Surakarta Jurusan
Ortotik Prostetik
Abstract: This study is one
of the follow-up in an effort to improve the quality of education OP. The purpose of the study
was to determine the functional differences Solid AFO and articulation during
walking in children Spastic Cerebral Palsy type Karanganyar district. The
design of this study is an experimental one-shot method, ie the data subjects
by photographing children Spastic Cerebral Palsy Type when using Solid AFO and
AFO Articulated during walking. Statistical analysis of this study uses the
data Kolmogorof Smirnov normality test and the test using a test Difference
Paired Sample t Test. The results showed no significant differences nor use
Solid AFO AFO Articulated to functional street children Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Type p <0.005 (p = 0.000).
Keywords: solid
AFO, AFO Articulated, type spastic Cerebral Palsy
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